Knowledge Mobile



Wordless Wednesday: My Current Temptation

Time for the Weekly Wordless Wednesday with Miss DeCarbo!

My current temptation: Doughnuts in the Break Room.

I must resist. My waistline demands it. I can not give in to this sweet temptation. Boo but yay for me...I think :).

What is your greatest sweet temptation?

Five for Friday: Doodle Bugs

So glad to do my first Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs

My little Papaya this a.m. Enough said :)

 So glad to be finishing up my Valentine's Day activities for the kids. I had planned to finish these over Christmas Break, but I caught up in, well, Christmas. It was so nice to take a break and spend time with my family. Sleeping in and lazy days. Bliss!

Here is one of the sample pages from the packet. I love that the check code is are valentine themed words. 

So yes, this is our tiny Christmas tree that is currently still up. We got a tiny tree because we spent most of  Christmas in Dallas with honeybunny's family. When we got back, we simply looked at it and said we would get to it. And for the past two weeks, we have been planning to get to it. And today is that day. We will be finally putting up our little piece of Christmas. I would have done it last weekend, but I love the little whiffs of pine you get as you sit in the den. 

I purchased The Moffat's Girls prompts for beginning and struggling writers...with mxied results. It worked well for my higher first graders but I have kids who are significantly behind and who struggle with letter writing, so it is back to the books to think of something for my struggling writers and readers. 

Finally catching up on Season 3 of Scandal on Netflix. I now know why they wait weeks between episodes. After three episodes, my brain is on overload from all of the, well, scandals! I think after this episode, I'll switch back Warehouse 13 lol.


Wordless Wednesday!

So glad to particpate in Miss. DeCarbos Wordless Wednesday!

Are those lily pads! Why yes, I believe they are! Our kinders are having a hard time controlling all that energy and focusing on their sight words. Sometimes they seem ready to jump out of their own skin. So I thought of something else they can  jump on. I cut these lily pads out on green card stock and laminated them for durability. The tutors then wrote the words from the their books onto the lily pads.

The kids loved jumping so much, the reading....not AS much but they still began recognizing the words. I hope they will continue to keep playing the games and improve their word recognition.

Thanks for taking the jump! (pun intended) and thanks to Ms. DeCarbo for the wordless Wednesday!


Teach Idea Tuesday Link Up

This Tuesday I am linking up with Teach Junkie to share

I created Fluency Rings as a way to have students self monitor and keep track of what words they are not reading fluently. 

Students read the cards in partners and as one reads a word incorrectly, the other marks the words they do not read correctly. They ten add them to their ring. They must read the word from their ring correctly five times to remove it.

Simply cut out the cards (on colored paper for cuteness) and give stacks to students. They can practice these as time fillers, a center, or during guided reading work.

Simply click the link to download the full file

My First Linky: Wonderful Winter Fun!


Saturdays and Synonyms

Happy Saturday!

I believe and declare that Saturday is my favorite day of the week. I love the feeling of being able to sleep in, burrow under the covers, and not having to venture out into all of this cold! It has been absolutely frigid this week and even though Metro Schools got a freeze day, I still had to go into the office. 

I also love Saturdays because I can work and perfect my projects. Since the baby woke me up at 6 am, I turned on the Netflix, snuggled back under the covers, and finished my synonym project.
In most of the student writing I see, students continuously use the same "baby words", like sad, mad, happy, and angry. I wanted a fun and interactive way to have them find those synonyms in sentences and check their work by finding the word in the puzzle.  This is great for those early finishers or those needing an extra challenge. 

Here is an example below

Click the link to get it for yourself!


The Story Behind My Logo

Hi Friends!

Today I'm linking up with Art with Jenny K to share...

I first came up with the name of my Store way back in 2011, while I was still teaching in Arkansas. I felt like it was a tiny seed planted in me to grow. The origins of the name came from my belief that knowledge should be shared and accessible to all. While teaching, I was always held with the belief that teaching didn't have to be so hard. Back before the wonderful world of TPT and Common Core, I was struggling with Arkansas 5th grade everything and knew there had to be another way. 

The mobile piece of the name actually came from my mother. She grew up in rural Georgia and she would tell me about the Book Mobile that would come and bring books for and my Auntie Debbie. She always said that the Book Mobile was an essential piece of her getting out of rural Georgia and building a life for herself. She was the first one in her family to go to college and she worked to make sure the rest of her siblings (and us kids) went as well.

So the original name was Knowledge Mobile (like a car). So many of early attempts to create a logo had to do with movement. 
Below is my very first one.

I created a GoDaddy account and had this sitting there for like a year. The blog and business were always in the back of my mind, but I always had competing interests like work and going back to grad school. 

In 2012, my mother told me about Deanna Jump and that she felt like that was something that I could do. I was working an internship with instructional designers in an elementary school and it was honestly my dream job. I love creating materials that teachers need for their classrooms and to make their lives easier. 

With this new knowledge, I began tinkering with blogspot and created the header below.
The logo was still very much focused on the transportation aspect. 

So over 2013, I finally had the time (and knowledge) to begin making my Teacher's Pay Teacher's materials and set up my blog.

I bought a pre-made $15 dollar template that worked for a while but it was really dull and didn't have the bright colors I wanted.

By this time, I had already decided to make the change the pronunciation to Knowledge Mobile (like a phone) because it was more updated and user friendly.

To reflect the changes, I watched a lot of tutorials about how to change my blog header. 

Using the tutorial, linked above, I created something that I felt was bright and colorful. I added arrows to still convey movement of the mobile origins. As for the creating, caring, and sharing, I thought those words described what I want to do. Create materials for teachers because I care about their lives and sanity and share it with them.

And that's it! Shout out to Jenny K for hosting this neat Linky!

Penguin Place Value

I love winter! Or rather, the IDEA of winter. Breaking out the boots and sweaters is one of my favorite things. This sub-zero wind chill and having to warm up the car...not so much. But at least I'm blessed to be inside, snuggled under the covers with my honey and my baby Papaya, and working on my January/February resources. 

Last week I posted my Penguin Place Value Game. My kids have the hardest time with place value and understanding numbers in relation to each other. I made two versions because I have groups of older and younger children who struggle with this skill.  Below is the Second Grade Version:

What winter fun do you have to share?


First Friday Freebie: January Edition

Happy Friday Teacher Friends!
Welcome back for the January Edition of First Friday Freebie,

This month, I excited to share some of my borders! I have been learning how to use Adobe Illustrator and make fun borders for my printables. Feel free to use them for personal or commercial use.

Simply include my button in whatever you make!

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