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Five for Friday: Success and Success Principles

Papaya in her fancy dress for the play. She did great by the way. Everyone was so surprised but I know my baby. Even at 8 months old, she is super alert and observant. She liked all of the lights and started dancing whenever there was music. The play was excellent too, just like my Papaya :)

Finished our staff incentive for the month! I just made the little tags and used double sided tape to adhere. So cute :)

Loving my new focus on fitness. 6 am workouts, drinking as much water as I can hold, sleep, portion control, and this handy pedometer have me feeling fit. Yay!

This weekend I am going on a Justice Journey! It is an in-depth opportunity to explore your race, ethnicity, gender, and privilege and who you are as a person and how that effects you, your students, and the work you do in education. I first went through this experience last year during our first summer institute and went through it with 20 new teachers. We were able to engage in deep discussions about bias, privilege, inequity, and inequality within education. 

One of the things we do is pick a social movement that has special significance for us. Last year, I picked the Civil Rights Movement, but this year, in light of all my reading and learning, I am thinking of picking Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Stephen Covey, Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield, in what I call the success movement, just to add variety to the conversation in terms of people who want to develop  and empower others.

Speaking of Jack Canfield, I just got his Success Principles book and I am loving it. I am loving this new synergy in my life of wellness, positivity, intentionalism, and focus on my goals. It has really streamlined this week and hopefully my life going forward. 

Hope you had a great week!!!


  1. Hi Brionni! I'm so happy I found your blog. Your little daughter is SO PRECIOUS! Love your blog, too! I NEED a pedometer.
    :) Carolyn

  2. Hi!
    Your baby girl is so beautiful!

    Your newest follower,
    Made with Love

  3. I like your description of the Success Movement. That should be a very fun movement to study.

    1. I think so too! I plan on incorporate Stephen Covey training with my students this next school year. I hope they enjoy it too!

  4. Love this blog my wonderful niece! I am so proud of you!


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