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Teacher Feature Tuesday featuring Sandra Naufal!

Happy Tuesday!!!

So happy to feature Sandra Naufal from Mrs. Naufal's Nook!!!

1. How long have you been TPT'ing?

Take your time developing products. Test them out in your own classroom or the classrooms of colleagues. Ask for direct feedback from the students.

2. What's is your most helpful advice for new TPTers?

Take your time developing products. Test them out in your own classroom or the classrooms of colleagues. Ask for direct feedback from the students.

3. What is your most helpful advice for beginning teachers?

Focus on one or two things and do them well. It could be a subject area, classroom management or even assessment. Take care of yourself. Set aside time to exercise and eat well. Stay in touch with your friends and family. They will keep you grounded.

Any additional tips?

Stay positive. Keep persevering. Your job is to never diminish hope.   


Check out her unit on procedural writing! I know when I was teaching, my students struggled to write warm and engaging text using first, next, then, finally. It was too formulaic. I wish I had had this unit to help my kids! I love that unit includes rubrics, prompts, and guides to help support the teacher. 

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